Thought it could be fun to get a thread going on what beans we’re currently using, maybe with some pertinent details on the brew variables if you feel inclined to share.

This past week I’ve been using Portrait Coffee’s Toni, a medium-roast single-origin from Brazil, roasted in Atlanta. I’ve been really pleased with the taste of my pulls with a 1:2 ratio. Great chocolatey notes, which is what I typically seek.

  • cdipierr
    2 years ago

    My wife really likes Perc Coffee’s (Savannah, GA) Juggernaut blend. Which they self-describe as a “darkish” roast. She ordered a 2lb bag of it that we’ve been working our way through.

    I always feel spoiled when I switch off the lighter roasts I normally pull. Juggernaut just pulls so beautifully without having to constantly grind finer every couple of days. Next will be a Tanzanian bean from a local roaster called Eastlick. The tasting notes are “Clementine, Rooibos Tea, Candied Orange Peel” so it should be interesting.