• @jarfil
    161 year ago

    oppression, theft of land, and brutality isn’t a way forward if the aim is to stop bloodshed from both sides.

    Unfortunately, the aim is to:

    • from the one side, to have a State of Israel on land promised by the British to the Arabs
    • on the other, to have an Islamic State on land taken by the Zionists from the British
    • on another, to have the Armageddon begin and trigger the second coming of Christ
    • on still another, to have all the infidels exterminated and have the whole world convert to Islam

    Stopping bloodshed is not part of either side, some of the sides are actually asking for more bloodshed 🤦

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      from the one side, to have a State of Israel on land promised by the British to the Arabs

      on the other, to have an Islamic State on land taken by the Zionists from the British

      This is a little confused… The British promised a state to both. The land the Jews lived on was purchased from absentee landlords who didn’t care who was living on it, first from the Ottoman Empire and later from Britain. The partition plan was proposed to make good on Britain’s dual promises - it won a vote in the UN despite the entire Arab League voting against it. Jews celebrated, Arabs protested, there was a civil war that turned into the Israeli war for independence, and the British decided they weren’t going to enforce the partition plan and fucked off to drink tea and reminisce about the good old days of starving Indians to death and getting the Chinese addicted to opium.

    • @IchNichtenLichten
      61 year ago

      It does seem hopeless but I grew up during “the troubles” in Ireland, there was a long time where it seemed peace was an impossibility.

      • @dx1
        1 year ago

        Still ended up in the situation where a big chunk of Ireland wanted to stay with the British and became “Northern Ireland”. That still seems so strange to me, although I get how people would be derascinated like that.

        But, if nothing else, proves that independence for an oppressed people is a gigantic step in the right direction. Israel’s always reasoning that it would present an “existential threat” and all this, but somehow I think keeping a population in an open air prison isn’t making them more friendly.

    • @Darkhoof
      51 year ago

      Yup. This conflict is a freaking mess all around.