• @GlitterInfection
    41 year ago

    Interesting. It must be something other than the alcohol content itself that causes that if alcohol removed drinks still taste that way, yeah. Non-alcoholic beverages have about the same alcohol content as many every day food, such as grape juice or hamburger buns, after the alcohol is removed.

    There’s a huge growing non-alcoholic beverage industry that includes things that were never fermented. In case you’re still looking for that adult beverage experience without the taste you don’t enjoy. Companies like Boisson sell all sorts of interesting things you could try.

    • Dojan
      11 year ago

      I think so too. I’ve a friend who knows a decent amount about various types of alcohol, and I asked him about it. He mentioned something about this one company changing their alcohol removal process and encouraged me to give that a go. I never got around to it though.

      It’s just really unfortunate because I feel like I’m missing a whole big side of the culinary world. It hits extra hard because I’m lacto-ovo vegetarian - by birth, not by choice - and so I am already missing out on a lot, having to make substitutions and such. Like further down in this thread someone shared a recipe. It looks really interesting, especially having looked up green alder pepper, but I’ll have to swap out the veal stock, and assuming it provides a “gamey” flavour, I don’t think I can recreate that exact thing. As far as I’m aware there’s no “gamey” substitute. I don’t even know what “gamey” tastes like.