How do y’all cope with this

  • @Madison420
    -19 months ago

    Just use that intellectual authority to realize it’s a metaphor. You lost, stop crying.

    You’re literally referring to me to attempt to assert your authority. Use that heavy thing above your shoulders, if I gave you authority clearly I have higher authority to do so.

    The rest is you my crying, try harder.

    • @WaxedWookie
      29 months ago

      Your argument is defending Hitler as a moral authority and Grug as the intellectual authority on special relativity over Einstein.

      You’re not any old peasant - you’re the village idiot.

      • @Madison420
        9 months ago

        The only person who’s even said the word Hitler is you, use some of that intelligence I gave you.

        The village idiot specifically is not nor ever was a peasant more often than not they were wards of that state and the term “village idiot” is a derogatory term used to demean those with developmental disorders. But do go on with your eugenicist insults, I don’t mind you’re just proving who you are.

        • @WaxedWookie
          19 months ago

          …and I thought you were flailing before

          Would you care to explain how your dopey argument can’t be used to establish Hitler as a moral authority, and Grug as an intellectual authority?

          When you’ve done that, feel free to join the dots between me calling you (someone making arguments that have now established Hitler as a moral authority) the village idiot and eugenics lol.

          Let’s not forget the point either. You said all authority must be taken by force before immediately handing me intellectual authority without force (proving yourself wrong immediately).

          Try to make it interesting - this level of stupidity isn’t entertaining for long.

          • @Madison420
            19 months ago

            And my dog thinks his asshole is irresistible, I don’t agree.

            I’m not talking about Hitler dude, just no. You cannot save a shitty Internet argument by injecting Hitler and forcing the respondent with your shit argument and Hitler’s shit argument. Don’t be such a stereotype troll, at least add some pizzaz if you can’t muster anything else.

            Again I have not said not implied anything about Hitler, at all period. Try a better argument that can stand by itself rather than your red herring.

            No, no it isn’t boss, try harder.

            • @WaxedWookie
              19 months ago

              Are you actually too stupid to understand that the fact that your argument can be used to defend Hitler as a moral authority or Grug as an intellectual authority demonstrates how moronic your point is?

              Otherwise, feel free to explain why these monstrous outcomes don’t apply.

              • @Madison420
                19 months ago

                It’s ok to say you lost you don’t have to throw up the shitty argument Hitler flair.

                I do find it amusing how obsessed you are with a eugenicist whole making eugenicist comments and insults. It kinda sounds like you’re a Nazi.

                • @WaxedWookie
                  19 months ago

                  Reach harder, my dude.

                  You still haven’t explained how you and your definition aren’t so goddamn stupid you’d establish Hitler as a moral authority and Grug as an intellectual authority with the simple application of force.

                  You also failed to connect those eugenicist dots.

                  I’ll wait - endlessly, I’m sure - but please prove me wrong, or embarrass yourself avoiding the point, you irredeemable dolt.

                  • @Madison420
                    19 months ago

                    Bro, all of your argument at this point hinges somehow on Hitler which you are the only person who has spoken of. I’m not going to talk about Hitler with you dude, you lost the argument there are easier way to lose.

                    I will say I did Nazi you coming, but you should be Gering on your way now.