Amid the sixth mass extinction, frogs, salamanders, and caecilians remain the most threatened group of vertebrates on Earth. Over 40 percent of amphibian species are now threatened, the latest global assessment has found.

“Amphibians are disappearing faster than we can study them, but the list of reasons to protect them is long, including their role in medicine, pest control, alerting us to environmental conditions, and making the planet more beautiful,” explains Re:wild ecologist Kelsey Neam.

  • @grue
    61 year ago

    Isn’t this kinda old news?

    I ask not because I don’t think publicizing it is worthwhile, but because I feel like a better headline might be:

    “A Shocking Number of Amphibian Species Have Been Continuing to Vanish Since the Last Time We Warned You, So Could You Please Finally Start Fucking Doing Something About It?!”