seems like the ‘safe’ public opinion is ‘we stand behind israel’ and the left opinion is palestinian support

i don’t live there i don’t have any particular interest or fascination with the region i don’t understand any of this pls don’t yell at me

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    My general sympathy is with the Palestinians who struggle from systemic oppression, but defo not with the atrocities committed by Hamas. How one can support and excuse the recent events is beyond me.

    Just because you’re oppressed doesn’t mean you can just go out there and slaughter random people. I mean they even killed tourists, who have no role in this ethnical conflict. But I don’t think they even care…

    • @Acamon
      1 year ago

      Hamas are awful, and murdering the innocent is always vile. The problem is that both sides have an endless “but they started it!” going on. Hamas terrorists kidnapping and murdering innocent people: awful. Isreali military bombing innocent people :awful. Both sides claim to be defending themselves. Both sides are making things worse for themselves and others.

      But Isreali will win by slowly murdering the Palestinians. Hamas will not win by occasionally murdering Israelis. Because the combined forces of almost all Western governments are onside with the Isreali government.

      So, illegal terrorist acts are rightly called out, and funding to Palestine stopped until it can be proven the money won’t go to Hamas. But, even when the UN or indvidual countries call out Isreal for war crimes or illegal actions, they don’t stop funding their military. Per capita, Isreal spends more on its military than the USA (Israel (~$2770), United States (~$2405) with the USA providing 20% of Isreal military spending. So it’s an extremely lopsided bothsidesbad situation.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Too many countries/companies profit from this conflict. The economy has adapted to it & is built on it. So are the politics… There is no winner besides religious fundamentalism and capitalism.

        Can’t see your image properly btw, it’s not loading. Neither on sync nor on liftoff.