
Commander Una Chin-Riley faces court-martial along with possible imprisonment and dishonorable dismissal from Starfleet, and her defense is in the hands of a lawyer who’s also a childhood friend with whom she had a terrible falling out.

Written by Dana Horgan

Directed by Valerie Weiss

  • @UESPA_Sputnik
    1 year ago

    I LOVED this episode.

    When I was a child and watched TOS and TNG for the first time I remember how I was amazed by those Starfleet crews who come from so many different backgrounds and who worked together for a good cause. I really shaped my worldview. And this episode brought all those memories back through Una’s story.

    And on top of that comes an allegory about the struggles that minorities (still) face today.

    Classic Star Trek.

    Random sidenotes:

    • those dress uniforms look *chef’s kiss*
    • the same goes for Neera’s dresses and the dress of her assistant. I’m a guy and I’m envious of those dresses. 😄
    • I really like how everyone has slightly different hairstyles every now and then. Captain Batel styled her hair in three (or even four?) different ways in this episode alone. It feels so much more realistic than what everyone having the same hairstyle for years or even for the entire series, like it has often been the case for previous Treks.
    • @psychothumbs
      11 year ago

      It really was a great metaphor for how LGBTQ people could see themselves in the diversity of Star Trek long before the people running the series were actually willing to include them.