List of majors being cut or consolidated at Miami University:

  • American Studies.
  • Art History.
  • Classical Studies.
  • Critical Race and Ethnic Studies.
  • French.
  • French Education.
  • German.
  • German Education.
  • Health Communication.
  • Health Information Technology.
  • Italian Studies.
  • Latin American Studies.
  • Latin Education.
  • Religion.
  • Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.
  • Spanish Education.
  • Social Justice Studies.
  • Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • @dogslayeggs
    -21 year ago

    Please point to anywhere that I said anything about the usefulness of any of these majors or about their ability to pay off their loans or even whether the majors should be kept at this university.

    You’re arguing with someone about something you created in your head.