I missed a week, but I’m back with another (bi)weekly warframe thread! Last time we discussed Rhino, an “unofficial” 4th starter, so this week I thought to bring a warframe that actually used to BE a starter - Loki!

Release date: 2012-10-25

Decoy - Loki deploys a holographic copy of himself, drawing enemy fire.
Invisibility - Loki camouflages himself, becoming invisible to enemies.
Switch Teleport - Loki instantaneously swaps positions with a target, confusing the enemy.
Radial Disarm - Lets forth a wave of energy, disrupting the projectile weapons of enemies in range and forcing them to revert to melee combat.

Acquisition: Blueprint purchasable from the market, components drop from Hyena Pack on Psamathe, Neptune.

  • Convict45
    31 year ago

    I’m apparently in a small club of people who think that once you can helminth abilities, Loki is great.

    I think he’s arguably tied for best generalist in the game. He can do any mission type, though Switch Teleport was SO good at Disruption that DE nerfed it in the first week and now that mode is his weakest. Still, when I don’t know what the mission will be (which means any new quest) I take Loki, because I know he will be fine. Maybe not optimal, but optimal is boring much of the time. Loki completely punks the Protea specter in the Deadlock Protocol, for example.

    With Golden Instinct on Loki, he became my go-to frame for Zariman farming. Armed with the Ratka Cernos, I use him for probably 85% of my Void Angel farming. Angels have no way to handle invisibility aside from that red AoE mist, which Ivara is too slow to get out of. Loki manages it just fine.

    Savage Silence Loki is the low range Finisher murder fun that used to be possible with Banshee, pre-Eximus rework.

    I also disagree that Ivara makes Loki unnecessary for spy. Yes, Ivara trivializes spy—and exterminate, and capture, and survival—but she’s very slow. When you’re trying to get things done quickly, Loki is your spymaster!