I had to go on FMLA today. The Family and Medical Leave Act in the U.S. basically guarantees your job will still be there if you have to go on extended medical leave. You don’t get paid, you just don’t get fired.

So now we will be on a single income for the foreseeable future. I wish I lived in a civilized country where I would be covered in this sort of situation, but instead we’ll get deeper in debt because we won’t be able to keep up with the medical bills.

I hate it. I hate it so much. I don’t expect to get paid indefinitely if I was away indefinitely, but the only pay I will get is that the two days of paid time off I had saved up will be spent on this, so when I do come back, I’ll have nothing left for the rest of the year.

I don’t even blame the people I work for. I blame the system that they’re a part of. Why should they pay for my sick time if no one else does? I get that. It just sucks and is yet another bullshit part of living in America.

  • @Fredselfish
    311 year ago

    America is the top worse for Healthcare. I say this because I hear we are richest country. To me a country who can’t or won’t take care of the most vulnerable is a shit hole country.

    • @vivavideri
      151 year ago

      The 1% could, theoretically, “fix it,” if they so chose. Instead they buy twitter and showcase their insecurities on social media, or evade taxes, or pay insurmountable sums to lobbyists that in turn keep our politicians from doing fuck all.

      Whereas most of us can’t afford to own a house, or a car, or medication. You know.