Looking to dip my toes into Linux for the first time. I have a 2016 Intel MacBook Pro with pretty solid specs collecting dust right now that I think I’m going to use. Research so far has indicated to me that the two best options for me are likely Mint or Elementary OS. Does anyone have any insight? Also open to other OS’s. I would consider myself decently tech savvy but I am not a programmer or anything. Comfortable dipping into the terminal when the need arises and all that.

@linux #linux

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Absolutely same with the actual hardware thing you can’t get a good feel for an os on a VM

    Nix package manager and home manager runs on any distro and even Mac so you can use a home manager config cross machine

    There are other benefits though like the fact that you can configure services, system components and other software with like 2 lines of code most the time and it just works

    • @mogul
      11 year ago

      I didn’t even know the package manager and home manager could run on different operating systems, now I need to look into that. I really do think NixOS has a great idea and that more distros should have an option to use such a thing. Nix almost seems like the perfect OS (relatively speaking).

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        You’ll hear from most people who use NixOS, once you try it you won’t want to use anything else

        • @mogul
          11 year ago

          I was just watching a video about setting up home manager and like the main config file it’s a neat idea. Now it’s got my brain thinking I need to wipe a computer and give it a spin lol.