• R0cket_M00se
    71 year ago

    Damn a total waste, then.

    I’m still pissed I can’t melee with the Kerenzikov anymore. Used to be useful now it’s only good for dodging 1 bullet during an ADS scenario.

    Like… Not even guns only, guns while ADS’ing only. Which means it can’t be used for repositioning tactically, only strafing with a rifle or closing distance with shotguns. Hell most of the “ON” time is when you’re standing fucking still because you don’t move for shit when you’re ADS’d.

    Seems like they took the mini sandevistan that hackers could use to beef up their arsenal during RAM recharge and turned it into a slow-mo dodge that’s almost useless for everyone.

    Like… I get that it was a balance thing to take out melee, but they fixed it in the worst possible way by restricting it to ADS since movement was a viable use case.