During the midst of a brutal blizzard, residents of an off-shore village are menaced by a powerful force of darkness in the form of a sinister stranger who b...
My husband and I both saw this when it was originally on tv, before we even knew each other. For years both of us remembered different scenes from this mini series, but never enough to find it. We had no idea the show we kept talking about was actully the same one. Then one day we found it on Hulu and was like this is the show I’ve been telling about.
My husband and I both saw this when it was originally on tv, before we even knew each other. For years both of us remembered different scenes from this mini series, but never enough to find it. We had no idea the show we kept talking about was actully the same one. Then one day we found it on Hulu and was like this is the show I’ve been telling about.