Nepenthes x Lady Luck and Drosera x Spatulata after moving into 1/2 perlite and peat moss. Roughly cut away and then sanded some planters with very small built in reservoirs.

Have a Venus flytrap and saracennia purpea x purpea that need a repotting but I overwintered them a couple weeks too long.

  • @JollyBrancherOP
    22 years ago

    I lightly top water it and try not to let too much be in the bottom. The reservoir is maybe only 1", so one overwater won’t get it too wet for too long, fortunately. Or if I’m daring I can empty it out into my other plants.

    I had one spatulata that I separated and none of them made it, so I don’t dare try to do the same until some unplanned seedlings pop up. It got too much for its original pot, but is doing better again in the bigger one.