Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/bqqd5q.mp4

Source: https://twitter.com/DamianDuda17/status/1712515066036191316?s=20

Source: https://t.me/combatfootageua/8223

🔴Не впустив - не піднімай!

Польський бойовий медик Даміан Дуда, показав “сувенір” який знайшли його бійці на “нулі”.

“Це один з багатьох імпровізованих зарядів, з якими ми стикаємося, працюючи в окопах на передовій. Тут видно винахідливість та досвід ворога.”

🔴If you don’t drop it, don’t pick it up!

Polish combat medic Damian Duda, shows a “souvenir” found by his soldiers at ground “zero”.

“This is one of the many improvised charges we come across while working in the trenches on the front line. It shows the ingenuity and experience of the enemy.”

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    From ied/booby trap training 🇫🇮, trainer outlined winterwar/contwar records from russians using such. Everything from children’s teddy bears to fallen soldiers were used.

    Finns did also umm made questionable “frozen russians” art by the roadsides behind enemy lines. Men standing, never moving.

    • @Madison420
      61 year ago

      Bruh they used them as fucking roadsigns.