Okay so I’ll be honest, I’m mainly posting this because I want to talk about the somewhat surprising inclusion of Sekiro footage in this trailer.

The game was published by Activision internationally…

Maybe it’s nothing, maybe it’s something?

  • @Broken_Monitor
    11 months ago

    Sony must be shitting a collective brick right now.

    I would love to see a Sekiro sequel, that game was a fucking masterpiece.

    I would be even more excited for a proper Starcraft sequel, and they showed it repeatedly. If this is an indicator they intend to do more with these franchises then I guess that’s a good thing.

    That said, I didn’t actually expect this purchase to go through. I guess I don’t really understand the laws surrounding monopolies but I do understand that the more our various forms of media fall under one conglomerate the more we will see locked down ecosystems with less outside options and innovation. MS has an especially bad track record with PC gaming. They have had multiple game stores fail, and have tried yet again over the past several years to create another locked ecosystem with their current store and UWPs. Their anti-consumer practices continue to ramp up in Windows 11 and I have no reason to believe they will stop there.

    I hate to be so negative, but I fear more bad will come of this than good.

    • @ocassionallyaduck
      511 months ago

      This will ultimately hurt everyone as MS continues to try and shift the entire market to subscription by “dumping” IP via Gamepass. I mean dumping in the legal sense.

      I honestly cannot believe this was allowed.