No one is free from criticism. Harmful ideas should be condemned, when they are demonstrably harmful. But theist beliefs are such a vast range and diversity of ideas, some harmful, some useful, some healing, some vivifying, and still others having served as potent drivers of movements for justice; that to lump all theist religious belief into one category and attack the whole of it, only demonstrates your ignorance of theology, and is in fact bigotry.

By saying that religious and superstitious beliefs should be disrespected, or otherwise belittling, or stigmatizing religion and supernatural beliefs as a whole, you have already established the first level on the “Pyramid of Hate”, as well as the first of the “10 Stages of Genocide.”

If your religion is atheism, that’s perfectly valid. If someone is doing something harmful with a religious belief as justification, that specific belief should be challenged. But if you’re crossing the line into bigotry, you’re as bad as the very people you’re condemning.

Antitheism is a form of supremacy in and of itself.

"In other words, it is quite clear from the writings of the “four horsemen” that “new atheism” has little to do with atheism or any serious intellectual examination of the belief in God and everything to do with hatred and power.

Indeed, “new atheism” is the ideological foregrounding of liberal imperialism whose fanatical secularism extends the racist logic of white supremacy. It purports to be areligious, but it is not. It is, in fact, the twin brother of the rabid Christian conservatism which currently feeds the Trump administration’s destructive policies at home and abroad – minus all the biblical references."

  • @Cypher
    21 year ago

    Most theistic beliefs can easily be made consistent with scientific thinking for what it’s worth.

    Literally all theism starts with a claim that has no proof “there is a god”.

    As these claims have no proof they can immediately be dismissed.

    • @myslsl
      -11 year ago

      As these claims have no proof they can immediately be dismissed.

      There are plenty of claims without proof that shouldn’t be dismissed. The majority of scientific inquiry investigates claims we can’t currently prove or disprove.

      There really isn’t any objective proof there isn’t a god either. If we can dismiss claims that a god exists based on lack of proof, then it seems like logically we also can dismiss claims that no god exists based on lack of proof too?

      • @Cypher
        31 year ago

        You have just repeated the fallacy of proving a negative and proven you’re not worth the time to discuss anything with.

        • @myslsl
          -11 year ago

          Seems a lot more to me like you don’t understand that we can reason rationally as well as empirically.

          • @Cypher
            21 year ago

            Invisible unicorns are real and you’re a bigot if you don’t agree.

            • @myslsl
              -11 year ago

              It’s not my fault you can’t argue your point any further. There’s no need to reply to me to confirm it.