None of the local witnesses the court heard from this week had any contact with Lich or Barber, who are both accused of mischief and counselling others to commit mischief, among other charges.

If you organize a murder and encourage the person who commits the murder but don’t have any contact with the murder victim are you free and clear?

Barber and Lich are garbage humans who organized and encouraged the violation of the people of Ottawa.

  • @[email protected]
    341 year ago

    I never understood the irony of these terrorists hating Canada and loving Canada at the same time. They don’t share Canadian values, and their extremist views only aim to cause harm.

    • @ChicoSuave
      181 year ago

      It makes sense when viewed as the actions of an immature child.

      “It’s mine and if I can’t have it then no one can.”

      It’s not based on logic, it’s entirely based on their own perception of greed and the requirements for fulfillment.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        With an added dose of zero sum game.

        “The only way for me to win is to make everyone else lose”

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      They hate the Canada that is. They’re in love with the idea of a Canada that may have been.

      MAGA is a good example of this. Many of the things that they think will make America “great” are actually pretty awful and/or came at somebody else’s expense

    • MapleEngineerOP
      41 year ago

      Canada is the best country in the world to live in and they want to destroy everything that makes it the best country in the world to live in.

      You don’t love Canada if that’s what you aim to do.

      • @Son_of_dad
        -21 year ago

        Ok can we not make up shit though? Canada is shit, and saying it’s the best country in the world means you don’t want to fix or improve it.

        Since I was a kid I’ve been hearing about how Canada is the best. As I’ve grown I have seen the native schools, the local governments that don’t care, rising cost of living, rising food costs, pathetic wages, and a Canadian government that doesn’t seem to notice or care about any of our day to day issues.

        Canada is most definitely not the best country in the world, far from it. Let’s fix it, not sit here pretending it’s a great place, cause it isn’t, not anymore.

        • @[email protected]
          91 year ago

          Actually, saying “Canada is the best country in the world” doesn’t mean that Canada is any good at all—it just means that the world is full of horrible countries. Just like it’s possible for the student who scores highest on a test to still get a failing grade, if everyone else failed too.

          • @Son_of_dad
            21 year ago

            If you’re wealthy it’s a good country. Not if you’re a working class Canadian

            • @redditron_2000_4
              81 year ago

              I moved from Canada to the USA, and what I have seen is that Canada is less unequal than the US. If you are working class in Canada there is at least some social safety net. In the US the rich are richer and the poor are poorer. Canada is moving that way but still has more protections for those on the bottom.

              • MapleEngineerOP
                21 year ago

                But the US has guns, hate speech, and discrimination disguised as religious freedom.

              • @Son_of_dad
                21 year ago

                The problem I find is that the safety net is there only if you’re rock bottom poor. If you’re lower income but barely scraping by, there’s no help for you. They are helping homeowners pay their property taxes, helping corporations with corporate welfare, and helping the poorest afford food, but if you’re just above the poverty line, you’re on your own.

                • MapleEngineerOP
                  01 year ago

                  What country do you think you could live in where the government would give you money?

                  • @Son_of_dad
                    1 year ago

                    Canada. If you’re rich and failing, they give you money. If you’re the citizen of another country, and need foreign aid, they give you money.

                    If you’re a struggling, working class Canadian, not so much.

                    My employer, a multi million dollar company, got $500k in aid. I who have $0 in my account after bills, got zero assistance during the pandemic. I had a second job at a hospital during the pandemic too, working directly for the government. What did I get out of it? I got COVID, no protections and a half a dozen co-workers dead.

            • MapleEngineerOP
              31 year ago

              I’m not wealthy. I’ve been to lots of countries. There is no place that I would rather live than Canada. Maybe your problem is you?

              • @Son_of_dad
                11 year ago

                Oh I’m the problem? I’m the one who is setting the pathetic wages, rising costs of living and rising food costs? I’m the reason people are living paycheck to paycheck in the “greatest country”? Drop this nationalism bullshit, stop jerking off to the country’s propaganda.

                • MapleEngineerOP
                  51 year ago

                  What country do you think isn’t having those problems right now?

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    I think this is the thing to remember. Canada is the (second) best country in the world, according to one specific set of criteria. By other metrics it may be best, or slightly lower.

                    Any individual probably has done different weightings to any metric that might be used to compare countries, so your personal list may be different.

                    But! But, every country has it’s problems. Perfection does not exist. Every country could also be better.

                    Ultimately we should all appreciate what is working and work towards making things better. In reality, people are going to also disagree with what is working and what would be better though. I’m pretty sure the Qonvoyers are a great example of this.

                    The Qonvoyers want to help “real Canadians”. Their perception of “better” does not align with mine.

                • MapleEngineerOP
                  01 year ago

                  I think that the issue is all ego, like the Freudian ego. The people who are complaining can’t see past their own belly buttons. “I’m having a shitty time and I’m miserable therefore it’s a shitty country.” Nah, dog. There are a fuck of a lot of us out here who thinks its a great country and love it.

                  I’m one of those people.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      They don’t love Canada. They love the USA or whatever other foreign interests manipulated them into occupying Ottawa.