Sorry Python but it is what it is.

  • Lucky
    21 year ago

    I’m guessing they only used it 10 years ago when it was very rough around the edges and didn’t integrate well with the old .NET Framework. It was quite bad back then… but so was .NET Framework in general. Then they rebuilt from the ground up with dotnet core and it’s been rock solid since

    Or they just hate Microsoft, which is a common motif to shit on anything Microsoft does regardless of the actual product.

    • Pxtl
      21 year ago

      Imho the VS integration has always been good, it’s the web config that’s always been a trash fire, and that’s not new.

      • Lucky
        11 year ago

        The project I’m on right now originally had the nuget.exe saved in source because they had to manually run it through build scripts, it wasn’t built in to VS until VS2012