For me I can’t stand that they put difficult terrain in the act 2 camp. Makes zero sense. Who the F builds their camp in mud? I would sell my soul to Raphael for a boardwalk.

  • @Stovetop
    49 months ago

    It’s a bit odd too because there are plenty of other games where there is a certain threshold before it counts your actions against an NPC as hostile.

    If you’re in combat and accidentally swing at an NPC once, it should be forgiven. If you do it twice in a row or maybe three total times throughout the course of a fight, then it should be considered intentionally hostile and they turn on you.

    • teftOP
      39 months ago

      I always “accidentally” drop a fireball on the Dark Justiciar bones when Balthazar summons his guys to fight them with me. Gets rid of a few of Balthazar’s summons for later when I kill him in his office.