• qevlarr
    341 year ago

    I support this group. No country can say they’re doing something against climate change and also approve new oil drilling at the same time.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Sure - but what do the attendees of a gaming conference have to do with new oil wells being approved?

      • @[email protected]
        151 year ago

        I suspect it’s for the publicity. Events like this attract different demographics than the usual targets, so it’s more exposure. It might not make the tabloids but it does get reported on.

        Historically, any publicity has been seen as good publicity. But, given the reputation they are building, I think this is not how it is playing out.

        So I agree, it just makes people with little to no power feel blamed. Time for a change of approach.

      • @Jolan
        01 year ago

        They’re the ones who voted in the twats in power.

        • Echo Dot
          11 year ago

          Who? I didn’t vote the oil execs into power.

      • @teolan
        -21 year ago

        Digital terminals are a huge source of pollution for pure luxury, and gaming is a very good representation of the stupidity of the overconsumption society.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          gaming is a very good representation of the stupidity of the overconsumption society.

          Certainly an interesting take.

          • @teolan
            -21 year ago

            Well you have ever more expensive hardware that uses ever more reolsources to run ever more expensive games that are ever more buggy and ever deeper into the uncanney valley.

            Mobile gaming on the other hand is filled with shitty addictive games filled with ads and micro transactions to scam children and the elderly out of their money. Not that desktop/console games don’t also have addictive micro transactions either.

            If this doesn’t feel stupid to you I don’t know what does.

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              You’re taking the worst examples of a massive industry and misrepresenting them and demonizing them to make your point. You are deliberately misrepresenting one of the largest media industries (if not the largest) to strengthen your argument.

              Hardware has become cheaper, games on average have become cheaper, games are not “ever more buggy” that’s a symptom of AAA games being made by giant corporations, no idea wtf you are even bringing up “the uncanny valley” for that has no bearing on the conversation in any way, mobile gaming is very much its own thing and nearly every person I know that calls themselves a “gamer” has nothing to do with the type of game you are describing, and micro transactions are easily avoided if you don’t play shitty corporate games.

              Almost every single complaint you made is exclusive to AAA games made by greedy corporations. Meanwhile myself and most “gamers” I know largely play independent games with no microtransactions, no massive system requirements, and do so on older systems.

              The only stupid thing to me right now is the post I am replying to.

              • @teolan
                01 year ago

                It’s the worst but it’s also where most of the money goes…