On Sunday, June 19, a group of Neo-Nazis known as NSC-131 attempted to interrupt a Drag Queen Story Hour event at the Teatotaller, an LGBTQ±friendly cafe in Concord, New Hampshire. The next day, L…

  • artisanrox
    42 years ago

    Waiting for the morality police who want to downvote comments about people with “gonna explode myself” money and dead Neonazis, that are anything but “thoughts n prayers, they’re people too!”


    • janus2
      12 years ago

      “don’t speak ill of the dead” is pathologically stupid. the dead aren’t around to care and their loved ones are (or should be) busy grieving not browsing my internet shitposts

      • artisanrox
        2 years ago


        And if especially these submarine guys just disappeared with maybe a one-liner update every few days, I’d honestly be like, “unfortunate, but dumb. Sad.” I wouldn’t be so annoyed.

        Besides the fact that these are members of the same class of people who despise their own workers and demand everyone else lives as STUPIDLY as they do with practically no finances for damage control, or irrationally worrying their families. THAT makes me care.