So here’s the thing man. I’m coming back here later because I wanted to find this thread. I’m still seeing all my comments go to zero. A few manage to escape and grow before getting that downvote, but most are being squashed.
Someone has decided to silence me, to the degree they can.
I can’t handle this. I’m alone in life. Discussion of this type is my connection to the world. I need people who will be my friends and listen to me despite the bias people put against comments at zero.
So I’m coming back here to find people who will listen to me, and to support this place. I want to punish the person who’s doing this to me and I don’t know who they are but I know what they value.
I know they want to silence this place, and that I’m acceptable damage in their war against this place, and that is why I’m coming back here.
I’m gonna participate here, because I need a place to belong and because I want to contribute to the opposite of whoever it is trying to squash me.
It’s all they have.
Rule of law, principles, ethics, values beyond their own narcissism means nothing to them.
All that matters is the ends. Whatever it takes, is justifiable. Remember, gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette. That’s their motto.
So here’s the thing man. I’m coming back here later because I wanted to find this thread. I’m still seeing all my comments go to zero. A few manage to escape and grow before getting that downvote, but most are being squashed.
Someone has decided to silence me, to the degree they can.
I can’t handle this. I’m alone in life. Discussion of this type is my connection to the world. I need people who will be my friends and listen to me despite the bias people put against comments at zero.
So I’m coming back here to find people who will listen to me, and to support this place. I want to punish the person who’s doing this to me and I don’t know who they are but I know what they value.
I know they want to silence this place, and that I’m acceptable damage in their war against this place, and that is why I’m coming back here.
I’m gonna participate here, because I need a place to belong and because I want to contribute to the opposite of whoever it is trying to squash me.