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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ThrowRa17920 on 2023-06-22 21:15:45+00:00.
My wife and I33 were invited to my sisters wedding. She had a rule about no children under the age of 10. My wife and I have a son who’s 13, but also is special needs and developmentally behind. He’s in a wheelchair, and fully disabled, we do everything for him. He can hold sentences with you, and he does enjoy things, but has a mind of a much younger child. We brought him along to my sisters wedding.
During the wedding our son began to get a little restless, in which we gave him his headphones and iPad which calmed him. At reception my sister pulled me aside and asked why I had ignored her rule about children. I said I didn’t, and that he was old enough to attend. She then said the point of it was for noise disruptions, then pointed out both her children missed her wedding because of their age. I told her that was her choice, and our son only acted out once which we reacted quickly and he was silent the rest of the time. She was upset still and said we reacted by giving him an iPad and how that was extremely rude of him to be on his iPad during her wedding. I told her if she didn’t want our son coming, she should have told us directly bc how are we suppose to assume. She got upset and went and complained to our mom, saying how we made her angry on her special day.
NTA. That’s some pretty entitled behavior. They’ve obviously put thought into it, and even with the stress of a wedding, i doubt they forgot about a special needs nephew. They should have talked to you directly and discussed this ahead of time. If anything, your sister ITA for excluding her own kids from her wedding for the sake of “noise”