Hey folks! I’m looking for suggestions for a next keyboard project. I was hoping to leverage your collective expertise so I can make some good choices.

I currently daily drive a compatyl v5 and I’m working on bulding a Scylla. Both hand-wired and 3d-printed at home.

I’d like to 3D print and hand-wire a smaller board. I’d like

  • Compact build (around 40% size. Something like a Corne or a Planck)
  • Thumb-clusters
  • Split
  • At least column-staggered but possibly curved like a Dactyl-style board
  • Possibility of a full wireless build
  • Bonus for easy tenting support

The best I’ve found so far is the Skeletyl but I’d love to review my options

  • @rafaelromao
    2 years ago

    Indeed it is cool. I did it as an experiment and it really works, but I had a lot of problems with loose contacts. It is somewhat stable now, but if I move the board too much the problems come back. I have a tweezer in range all the time for quick fixes, and also had to replace the BOX jades and use 5 pin switches.

    • apfel
      12 years ago

      Oof, yea okay that sounds a bit annoying :D