• @TokenBoomer
    411 year ago

    Capitalism. Because money is more important than life.

    • @PilferJynx
      31 year ago

      We’ve looked at the data. It looks grim and concluded that it costs too much to avoid extinction.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Not that Soviet Union, Eastern European socialist states, China etc have been great for the environment.

    • PatFusty
      -41 year ago

      Would you be willing to take minimum wage pay for the rest of your life if it meant you would save the earth a fraction of a percent?

      • ElleChaise
        81 year ago

        If conservatives would get out of the way and actually allow a true minimum wage vs the punative wage they enforce now, there would be no shame in a minimum wage lifestyle whatsoever. Many, many people do not have ambitions beyond living a reasonably small life, in a small home, with an average family and a handful of friends, taking the occasional vacation, retiring, and dying someplace familiar. Some say it’s sad, others say it’s human nature, either way it’s a reality people need to reckon with; because that’s what a lot of people picture when they say “there’s more to life than chasing money”.

        • PatFusty
          -121 year ago

          Im asking if you would take one for the team, lower your requirement for life, maybe live paycheck to paycheck in order to reduce consumption. Im not saying ‘take the occasional vacation’… im saying maximum reduction in overall capital for circulation. Spend less. Would you be willing to live in poverty to reduce your emissions? Its a yes or no question

          Everyone who hates capitalism so much, put your money where your mouth is. Stop spending on internet, dont buy those things you dont need, donate your extra cash to those in need. Stop larping and end capitalism… starting with your excess. You are part of the system you despise if you keep donating your extra funds to the capitalist systems. End that cycle. Prove the capitalists wrong.

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            I’m already doing most of that (for personal reasons). It won’t change the world or even the country though. Real change won’t come until we eat the rich.

            • PatFusty
              -61 year ago

              It would be more helpful if you learn to own your piece of the problem. You can make a fraction of a tiny piece of a difference if you live well below your means. Not until more people embrace it, then no mass change will be made.

              Think of it like this. If you give less money to the rich, they will have less money to spend. You kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                Welp, I sold my home and my car, quit my job, cut my spending down to essentials, power what I have left using solar … looks around … Yep we’re still fucked!

                • PatFusty
                  -41 year ago

                  I said a fraction of a percent. You can also say you dont care about your emissions and continue as is.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Damn you sure owned that guy! “Oh you don’t like, global warming? Just go live like an ascetic for the rest of your life. That won’t affect the course of climate change, but at least you won’t be a hypocrite!”

            Fuck off with that shit. Take your gottems to Twitter or some shit

            • PatFusty
              -21 year ago

              I was basically asking “how much does your emissions really matter to you”. If you dont care about how much your dollar being spent on stupid shit emits pollution then just say that. Say you are blissfully ignorant and refuse to change your ways because you are a baby and hope someone fixes problems you contribute towards.

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                My “contribution” to this “problem”? In the context of global climate change, my contribution is a miniscule, worthless fraction, a grain of sand in the Sahara. It is NOT RELEVANT to the conversation around climate change because it’s presence or absence changes nothing.

                Your attempts to paint global warming as the product of individual action completely misses the point, and you wind up simply doing damage control for the oil barons, car manufacturers and jet-setters that are actually the cause.

                • PatFusty
                  1 year ago

                  Please lecture me as to how the people who sell things for the people are responsible for the things people choose to buy.

                  You can start a movement to reduce your consumption but you would probably not convince anyone. Not even anti capitalists want to reduce their consumption. Its much easier to blame oil barrons and car manufacturers rather than you wanting to enable them. Im sure you are looking forward to buying your next car or your new house or go on that European adventure you were looking forward to or buy a new gym outfit or go to that new bar or buy that new game or… thats just life right? Im sure you cant even imagine your life without those desires. And yet its their fault for providing that for you.

                  Im also sure you know nothing about supply chain. Nothing about regulation emissions. Nothing about reducing… but its so easy to say ‘eat the rich’ as if thats a catch all solution.

                  Do i say lead by example.

                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    The car manufacturers wrote the zoning laws that turned America into a car-dependent hellscape. The oil barons lobby against every single initiative/bill that would reduce consumption of oil. In absence of government directives/incentives, people will simply do what is cheapest which, in a system designed by capitalists, is environmentally-unfriendly consumption. You seem to think that everyone who doesn’t want average global temperatures to rise should simply stop consuming goods, but doing that on a scale that will actually change anything is stupidly unrealistic and possibly cataclysmic for our current economic system.

      • @TokenBoomer
        71 year ago

        Gladly. But I’m keeping my ‘effing bidet.

      • @Daft_ish
        1 year ago

        No, you are right. I wouldn’t subject myself to more suffering to save the human race. This is only because I know the choice of extreme poverty versus destroying the environment is only relevant because a person, you, decided these were the only two choices possible. To explain differently when we all decide we’d rather just end civilization as we know it than changing the status quo, as an individual I’m just along for the ride.

        • PatFusty
          -21 year ago

          Thank you. You are right, I am the arbiter of all pollution knowledge and I am giving you 2 choices. Option 1 is continue as is and hope choices are made for you. Option 2 is you do something about it and stop complaining. I dont know if becoming a hermit is the best option but if this cause matters to you, then you should lead by example.

          • @Daft_ish
            31 year ago

            This is where you got it all fucked up. You keep pointing the finger at normal people. Point the finger at people who have their hands on the levers. I sure as he’ll can’t wake up tomorrow and turn off the pollution machine but sure as shit there is 100% someone who can.

            • PatFusty
              1 year ago

              Tell me, who has their hands on the levers on these pollution machines. Calculating emissions for big businesses and making changes to their operations to reduce impact is actually my day job so if thats what you had in mind ill rationalize that.

              But please humor me. Tell me how its big business and not the consumers.