
  • Festival of the Lost next week
  • Engram focusing available. Costs candy and engrams.
  • Exotic armor focusing will be available.
  • Acosmic Heavy GL is the new weapon this year.
  • Horror Story, Jurassic Green, and Mechabre all returning
  • 🚨 🚨 All Black Weapon Momento available during FOTL. 🚨 🚨
  • Sounds like making the momento drop available will be tied to triumphs. Community Challenge maybe?
  • Updates to Checkmate TTKs
  • Updates to Matchmaking (again)
  • Taking another stab at updating spawns
  • Emblem coming for playing during the Craftening (crafting bug insanity) in Season 23.
  • Changes to Sparrows to make them all the same speed as Always on Time in Season 23.
  • @Tourma
    11 year ago

    Oooh, going to be a tight month between this and the Halloween Splatfest in Splatoon 3, (Team Ghost!)

    Def going to be my ticket to getting to level 100 this season. I’d like to get the title too.