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Hi there, I was looking for combinations of switching hardware and open source switching software. Stratum and Cumulus Linux caught my attention, but these seem to be focussed towards the industry and would likely be very difficult to run in a homelab. I’m not going to touch the likes of Ubiquity, but as of now the only choice seems to be closed-source software from TPLink and/or Cisco. I’m going to try and harden the inside of my network too with ACLs and any other features I find on the switches, and having an open source OS with regular updates would be very nice to have.
Any suggestions? I was trying to find something to run on a MikroTik switch, since I find their L2 OS a bit lacking.
Edit: a kind user mentioned OpenWRT, which I should have looked into more seriously before posting this. I’m going through it right now, any suggestions are welcome!
Seems x86 only, is there COTS x86 with switching fabric?
Sorry, but even VyOS doesn’t seem to have builds for anything other than high-end Dell. Supermicro or other similar brands. It will be difficult for me to able to run VyOS on such hardware, and I do not intend to virtualise my router either. But yes, it is a fantastic project, and I’ll keep reading about it. Thanks!