At the moment I am using Debian Bookworm and I can setup/configure 100% of my setup automatically everything via Ansible. (Only thing left after the Ansible script is login to my online accounts/email which I would rather not automate.)

Is there a way/does anyone have this working/running on Silverblue?

To be more concrete: After I install Silverblue with default settings, I want to automatically install all needed flatpaks, configure them (and link configuration files to a github repository) and also setup some toolboxes for development. With one command/step, like running Ansible.

  • @Aties
    69 months ago

    Have you looked into NixOS instead of silverblue?

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      Came here to say this. NixOS does exactly what you want built in and has a lot of the same advantages as silverblue

    • @[email protected]OP
      49 months ago

      Reusing my other answer: Thanks, I am mostly motivated by having less work using an immutable operating system. ;-)

      To elaborate more: By now I want an OS that is stable, has updates automatically in the background and just a reboot away. NiXOS sounds like too much work for too little benefit for my current usage/use cases.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        If you want to automate your installation there’s going to be work involved no matter what you use to achieve it

        NixOS is actually quite stable provided you don’t use the unstable branch