• XIIIesq
    1 year ago

    If someone thinks that they are respecting themselves by willfully making decisions that they know are terrible for their health, then I don know what to say, it’s not a concept that I think I could comprehend, but I’m willing to let you try changing my mind.

    Well it’s true, I know I have plenty of personal flaws, but I’m willing to take criticism of them. I’m not going to expect respect for doing fuck all about my personal problems and I don’t think anyone else should.

    Hard disagree. I respect people that put in hard work and effort towards achieving their goals, I don’t respect, nor do I have any time for pity parties. If you’re fat, that’s your problem, deal with it.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      If someone thinks that they are respecting themselves by willfully making decisions that they know are terrible for their health

      I’m gonna need you to point out someone saying this before I take this claim seriously.

      I know I have plenty of personal flaws, but I’m willing to take criticism of them.

      Unprompted criticism of your body is just bullying. Accepting that requires a lack of self respect.

      I’m not going to expect respect for doing fuck all about my personal problems and I don’t think anyone else should.

      You’re dragging the goalposts around and humping them, at this point. I didn’t say “respect for doing nothing.” Just… respect. The basic respect a human deserves for being human. Not getting on your knees, calling them lord, and complimenting their choices of fatty food. Just the bare minimum of not bullying them. Is that so hard?

      I respect people that put in hard work and effort towards achieving their goals

      Okay? But not every action is one to be judged on that criteria. Not everything is done to meet a goal. Just walking through town isn’t one of those things.

      I don’t respect pity parties.

      Who’s asking you to? Where’s the pity? Where’s the party?

      • XIIIesq
        1 year ago

        I think people deserve dignity, but that respect is something that’s earnt.

        If fat people don’t like being criticised for their bad choices and unhealthy, unattractive bodies, that’s really not my problem. If you hate that someone thinks you’re fat, lose some weight, is it really worth digging your heels in over to make a point about a lack of respect?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Is it so hard to just not bully people? You don’t have to agree, you just have to not say anything. You’re the one dying on a hill, here.

          • XIIIesq
            1 year ago

            We have blurred lines between the ideas of a lack of respect and bullying.

            It’s disrespectful to say “my god, that’s a big fat arse!”, but it’s not bullying unless it’s repetitive and used with the intent of hurting their feelings, bullying also implies an imbalance of power.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              It doesn’t have to be repetitive, or an imbalance of power. Simply trying to hurt someone’s feelings for no reason would still be bullying. And i can’t think of any other reason to comment negatively on a stranger’s appearance to their face.

              “My my, you have such wonky teeth!”

              That would upset me, no matter who said it or how often.

              • XIIIesq
                -11 year ago

                The difference is that you have almost no control over whether your teeth are straight or not, or whether you’re wealthy enough to afford braces.

                Anyone can put down the fork, drink water instead of mountain dew and choose not to have desert.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  Don’t move the goalposts. You may be able to refuse dessert, but you absolutely cannot simply choose to not be fat. It takes more effort than that.

                  • XIIIesq
                    1 year ago

                    Yes you can. I obviously don’t mean that you can decide not to be fat and the weight will magically disappear.

                    Every time you put food in your mouth, you’re making a conscious choice, you’re not “deciding to be fat” per se, but you are fully aware that too many rain drops causes a flood and that it will take a similar time of less rain drops for the flood to dry up.

                    If you commit to eating less calories, you will lose weight, that’s not an opinion, it’s a fact.