• @_number8_
    1209 months ago

    i know she’s trying to get charged because that’s how these work, but how do you in good conscience do this to her?

    i mean i guess anyone working those jobs had their soul removed already anyway

    • @Son_of_dad
      1109 months ago

      Cops work for the billionaire class, not us. They do the bidding of their masters and don’t see us as anything but plebs. They don’t have a conscience.

    • @gmtom
      69 months ago



      a conscience

      Pick one.

    • @cman6
      -109 months ago

      Some great answers above/below:

      • ACAB - of course! ALL cops!
      • Cops work for the billionaire class. They do the bidding of their masters - yep, sure
      • Police protect property, not people - so true


      The police are there to enforce the law. Are all police officers perfect, no. Is anyone perfect, no.

      My point being, you should want the police to follow the law and enforce it. From the article, they were enforcing a law around the Public Order Act.

      So doesn’t the problem really exist with those who make the law, not those who enforce it?

      (Ok, I’ll get off my high horse now)

      • @gmtom
        69 months ago

        Ah yes, the classic “just following orders” defense. I’m glad we didn’t have a big war crime trial about 80 years ago where we collectively agreed that was horse shit.

        • @cman6
          19 months ago

          Come on. There’s quite a difference between the police following the law, and people being lead to their death.

          If you disagree with the police following the law, what alternative would you suggest?

          • @gmtom
            29 months ago

            So do you think the German police were fine and moral one day and then the next there stuffing people into gas Chambers and everything is black and white like that. Or do you think they started rounding up dissenters and undesirables first?

            Civil enforcement, where “police” are not a seperate class with special rights and are not exempt from morality.