tl;dr reddit sucks

  • @paultimate14
    511 months ago

    While Reddit sucks, complaining about the ratio of SFW-NSFW seems incredibly subjective. For some less prudish than you, the increase in NSFW content might be considered a good thing.

    Also, that change might be more than just the porn one might first suspect. You’ll notice one of the spikes is in early 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine. I would guess a lot of NSFW posts are just covering the war. Now we have Israel v Palestine contributing too. It’s not just reddit, but Lemmy and most of the Internet are full of videos of people getting killed by drones.

    • JaromilOPM
      211 months ago

      You make a good point. And yeas I also like NSFW (and well, at we do a lot of jokes at work…) but somehow the sort of stuff that goes around X and reddit is different and aggressive. Maybe my impression. But now I tend to agree with your remark here