Don’t get me wrong, I like Firefox a lot, but needs polishing.

I like -impopular opinion- the Proton UI (aka rounded tabs), containers are great, but has some flaws:

  • No PWA support
  • Bookmarks and history panels are unpractical (menus for both options are almost unusable)
  • A separate window for downloads, managing bookmarks? Really?
  • Pocket by default?

We need alternatives to Chromium, and Firefox is the “go to” option, but sometimes is disappointing to use it.

  • 0xtero
    2 years ago

    Two of the main features I need from my browser (apart from rendering pages) are the ability to run adblocker and being able to sync my tabs between desktop and mobile. The future of the first seems very uncertain with Chrome and the second never really works when I try it. On Firefox it’s 100% every time.

    So easy choice. And I don’t have to deal with Google’s shadyness.
    But each to their own really - the “browser wars” seem so far in the past.

    • Mike Lockhart :veritrek:
      12 years ago

      @0xtero @ravnswood
      The worst thing about Chrome, and best about FF, for my work as a web sysop, was Chrome hiding parts of the URL in it’s location bar. First it was the “https://” (which is kinda important to see if you have your TLS configured right), now they are taking away “www” as well (so I have to reload in the network dev tool to see if the request directs to the right subdomain).
      Also Chrome’s dev tools used to be better than FF, but that was more than 5 years ago! And chrome is slow