• @Aceticon
    11 months ago

    Yeah, I’ve been pointing this out since it kinda clicked in my mind and I realized this (which, to my shame, took quite a while).

    Most of us are not born free because to have a roof over our heads and food in our table we have to work within the system and get paid what the system allows us to get, since we can’t just occupy a piece of land, build a house and farm it.

    We have at best “limited” freedom, depending on nationality (for example, an EU passport lets you easilly try to live in in quite a list of countries), opportunities (i.e. is Education free and good quality were you grew up) and the biggest one, how much money and connections do mommy and daddy have - all of which dictate the options available to us, but only a tiny number (the sons and daughters of the rich) have full freedom.