I use KDE Plasma, and much prefer the KDE color picker over the GTK one that Firefox uses, with input type=color.

I know that I can set GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 to make Firefox use the native file picker, is there a way to make it use the native color picker as well?

I know there probably isn’t a way, but I figured it’s worth a shot asking.

  • Nyfure
    111 year ago

    Feel free to submit a change if it bothers you that much…
    Wait… yes? You dont want to? You just want to complain?
    Ok then.

    • @over_clox
      -91 year ago

      I’m not going back to that year 2009 crap, “source code or it didn’t happen”.

      Allz I know is I see with my own eyes that KDE done literally copied Win311 color picker.