ANKARA, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Friday called on Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza, which he said amounted to genocide, and urged the international community to work for a humanitarian ceasefire in the region.

In a post on social messaging platform X, Erdogan also said Israel was provoking non-regional actors instead of turning back from its mistakes in Gaza, adding that the region needed saving from the “frenzy of madness” supported by Western powers and media.

  • @angrymouse
    118 months ago

    I don’t get what part of

    I don’t like Hammas

    spread terror until today

    You read as

    Hamas are the good guys

    You are fighting a strawman my friend.

    I was just responding the point that still exists hostages in Gaza, I don’t expect that Hammas cares about hostages but I expect that Israel care about their citizens, because the first is a militia, and other is a state with one of the best army in the world.
    Independently of what I believe or not, when Israel says “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”, it is just a political decision, maybe even this negotiation would not work, but is not something that Israel strategists are venting.

    • MxM111
      -18 months ago

      Ok, fair enough. You should also notice them that Israel still did not start the ground offensive.