This could be websites to look up guides, places to buy quality products, or what to buy to get started. All being related to your hobby.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    The problem with “what to buy to get started” is that that question is tantalizingly juicy to advertisers. Therefore, when a place is found it is usually captured by low quality high dollar cost advertisers (like reddit or amazon or essentially all the other sites that carry and recommend hobbiest products).

    I think your best bet is to get to know a few people who actually are doing the hobby (not a advertising influencer) and see the cost points for real hobbiests.

    • @Wumbologist
      131 year ago

      Isn’t this the point of the OP, to get info from a few people who actually are doing the hobby?

        • @Wumbologist
          21 year ago

          I don’t see this reflected in the question at all.

          All being related to your hobby.

          The way I read it, this last line suggests the opposite. OP wants people to recommend resources specific to their own hobbies.