I would prefer not to drive. I’ve been walking about a ¼ mile to release them. Is that far enough?

  • @DanglingFury
    11 months ago

    Not saying you would be down for this, but my grandpa used to cover the trap with a tarp, back his truck up to the trap, and put a flexible downpout pipe over his exhaust and ubder the tarp. Idle the truck for 5 minutes and the mice are all dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. I imagine it would still work with a car might just take longer. He’d then chuck the mice into the treeline to feed the local foxes and stuff. No chance of them coming back and giving to nature to bump up the local mice predator population

    • Nik282000
      511 months ago

      The city tilled over an abandoned field a few years ago and we had a literal plague of mice. For the next 6-8 months we had 3 or 4 foxes and a coyote make almost nightly passes. It’s surprising how quickly they catch on that there is free food in the area.