Government and gas-focused industry body resist conclusion that heat pumps are ‘only viable’ option for heating UK homes

  • @Mojojojo1993
    111 months ago

    The grid needs upgraded though. So they a moot point. The grid wasn’t built for renewables and it wasn’t built to deal with the way we currently need it. It’s also underdeveloped and underfunded.

    So no I hear you disagree.

    Hydrogen is expensive to contain and to transport. It has its uses but it’s really not necessary. If we use solar and wind correctly. We need batteries. And we don’t even need that. We can just use pumped systems and other systems to use power.

    • HypxOP
      11 months ago

      Not the case. A hydrogen infrastructure allows us to scale back the grid, or at least limit how much bigger it needs to get.

      A lot of the anti-hydrogen rhetoric is marketing BS. We can handle hydrogen just fine. We can even put hydrogen in natural gas pipelines and reuse much of that infrastructure. Also, once we have hydrogen we don’t really need batteries, or at least much less of them. Hydrogen stored in underground salt cavern exceeds the capacity of any other kind of energy storage. So all of the other energy storage ideas become obsolete or much less important once hydrogen shows up.

      • @Mojojojo1993
        111 months ago

        All electrical grids need to be upgraded. Maybe you could cheap out by doing a smaller upgrade and using hydrogen to offset it. Still needs the upgrade regardless.

        The cost of hydrogen is astronomical. It’s highly explosive it needs to be pressurized and it’s just a bitch. I think you are underestimating the cost of a hydrogen to roll out.

        German Japan and Australia have all scaled back. It’s mega expensive.

        The data on hydrogen gas mix is pretty clear. It’s not cost effective and it’s a bad idea. Nobody is doing that.

        I would love to see that happen. Can you send me a few links on that concept. I’ve heard of pumped hydro and the crane one. Never seen hydrogen in salt caverns. How would that work for the world? I doubt everywhere has salt caverns.

        It’s an idea but in terms of logistics. Time will tell

        • HypxOP
          11 months ago

          We can keep the grid upgrades to a minimum.

          It is far cheaper to move hydrogen in pipelines than to build its equivalence in wires. In reality, the hydrogen infrastructure saves us money. A lot of what you read is just pro-BEV propaganda. They are just lying about which is more expensive.

          No one is scaling back hydrogen investment. Just recently, the US put billions into the idea. Many other countries are following suit or even already started.

          • @Mojojojo1993
            111 months ago

            Oh fo sure. It’s all a conspiracy against “clean hydrogen” bull fucking shit.

            So everyone is out to get hydrogen. It isn’t that it’s actually incredibly expensive and just as dirty as fossil fuels. Think you are the one pushing misinformation here

            America. A country built on propaganda and corruption. Im sure they would be for green

            • HypxOP
              211 months ago

              Again, it’s just marketing BS. You are aware that companies can lie about the benefits of their products?

              The only conspiracy theorists are those who think there is a conspiracy pushing hydrogen. In reality, it’s just the superior green energy solution compared to batteries. And you are getting close to being that kind of conspiracy theorist.

              • @Mojojojo1993
                111 months ago

                Yeah don’t think it is. If you can provide evidence to your point that would be great. Why are other companies lying but hydrogen isn’t ? What makes it the superior product?

                Pretty sure a mix of energy is best. Some are suited to different needs. A good mix of solar, wind, hydro, geo, tidal, nuclear and bio is probably pretty good.

                But keep being a spokesperson for hydrogen.

                I think it’s pretty niche and only really use is in shipping and aerospace.

                And that’s untill we find something better

                • HypxOP
                  11 months ago

                  It’s far cheaper to move hydrogen in pipelines than electricity in wires:

                  Sure, it is going to be a mix. In fact, hydrogen will be made from whatever energy source is available. It is identical to electricity in that respect.

                  I don’t think you grasp what you’re even criticizing. I support hydrogen because it is the better energy carrier. It is fundamentally necessary in many, many sectors. Even if there were viable alternatives, you still have to support a huge expansion of hydrogen simply because of that. And in many sectors, there are no viable alternatives.

                  There is no “something better.” Hydrogen is the end of the line when it comes to chemical energy storage. Fuel cells are simply another word for metal-air batteries, and as a result, hydrogen fuel cells have the highest energy density of any possible battery.