Looking for an alternative to Microsoft Office for the Linux.

I’ve already tried:

  • LibreOffice (It doesn’t have the same experience as Microsoft’s apps.)
  • OnlyOffice Desktop Editors (I like it)

What else would you recommend?

  • @[email protected]
    911 months ago

    Forkers gonna fork. OnlyOffice seemed like it was going after Google Docs, but with a MSOffice look and feel. The live sharing and editing worked well when I tested it.

    • Otter
      311 months ago

      Ah I see. So LibreOffice for local stuff, then OnlyOffice for the google docs type of work

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Not quite. OnlyOffice has an offline/local suite too. When most people talk about OnlyOffice, they are usually referring to the local suite.

        OnlyOffice has better compatibility with MS Office file formats (and a similar UI), so some people prefer it over LO.

        The downside is that because the UI is written in HTML5, it’s slow and sometimes clunky compared to LO, which is (mostly) a native app. This is especially visible with large spreadsheets - OO takes a long time to render them, whereas in LO they open in a reasonable time.

        • Justin
          111 months ago

          My experience has been that LibreOffice will not correctly render my .csv files when they are above a certain size. Not talking about big data here either like a few thousand rows. For this reason I use OnlyOffice instead.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            Strange, I used to deal with very large CSVs and never had an issue with LO. In fact, OO would take ages to load those CSVs and sometimes freeze, if not for that OO would normally be my main office suite.