I really quite like Benedictines TheVegan because he seems to handle the philosophy very well. Most antinatalists I see online are seething most of the time, which I completely understand, there’s a lot to be angry about, I just find it impressive how Benedictines is able to approach it in a friendly way, I think people are more likely to be receptive to the philosophy when presented the way he does it. Also, to be clear, I’m not really saying I think all antinatalists should be friendly all the time, I think some amount of aggression is warranted, as sometimes people are just genuinely evil and do not care. I have seen natalists in debates literally admit they know they’re causing harm and do not care. In these cases, I say it’s time for fucking war lol.

Here’s his channel in case you’re interested: https://www.youtube.com/@benedictinesthevegan4224

  • @LennyKing
    2 years ago

    I consider Lawrence Anton to be one of the best public “faces” of antinatalism at the moment: young, likeable, down-to-earth, humorous, open-minded, and respectful – and no trace of this “negative” or toxic mentality that you often find in antinatalist circles. Just a cool guy that I feel many people can relate to, and a genuinely kind person

    As someone said:

    On the one hand, there is just plain antinatalism.

    On the other, there is Antonatalism: care and compassion for others from the fascinatingly neurotypical mind of antinatalist Lawrence Anton.