I’m looking at getting smart locks for my front and back door, but don’t know what to look for. Hopefully something with a keypad, so I can give friends a code to get in, and a RFID badge, so I can easily get in and out. Any suggestions are welcome!

  • @Next_Position_Please
    51 year ago

    I disagree. My locks have a keypad, so I can give out codes to friends & family that I can control and revoke. If I gave them a key, they could copy it, lose it, etc.

    When I set my alarm for the evening, the script will shut the garage doors if they are open, and lock all the locks if they aren’t already.

    I guess it could be said they can be hacked. But as someone mentioned above, regular locks can be picked. Back up your locks with a nice security system.

    • Another Person
      11 year ago

      I may have just watched one too many lock picking lawyer videos. All these smart locks seem to have pretty rudimentary backup key ways that seem to be easier to pick than a regular house lock.

      • Ghostalmedia
        11 year ago

        I have a Schlage sense. It’s just as secure or insecure as any other normal Schlage keyway, and it will alert me if it’s been picked or kicked open. 🤷‍♂️