Hey! I started https://reddit.com/r/ergomobilecomputers two years ago and watched where communities went during the whole reddit debacle over summer 2023.

**As of Sept. 13, 2023, I’ve opened this sub up for submissions, as an experiment to see how things go. ** /r/ergomobilecomputers will for still be the primary place from observing that:

  • I do most of the posts there, as /u/rinspeed .
  • Many of the posts are crossposts from other reddit subs.
  • It’s a slower, niche, curated sub, with at best a couple posts a month.
  • Ideally I’d love to do a full migration but still have questions around the site reliability and governance of lemmy.

Let’s try to share and play on here and see what happens!

  • @seltzeredOPM
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator