• @mightyfoolish
    09 months ago

    Fair enough. Strange how I feel I have less money to spend on games? 🤔

    I still expect games to be finished at their release. Especially now we are in the age of already made game engines.

    • @captainlezbian
      29 months ago

      Yeah full agreement on that. I think the price is comparatively reasonable though I definitely feel it a lot harder these days (partly inflation, partly being an adult with bills, partly due to indie games half the price blowing them out of the water on a regular basis). But there’s no excuse for it not being finished at release. I get that announcing a delay sucks, do it anyways. I’d rather a good game a year late than a game I was looking forward to being unplayable and asking why I spent what is in my area, the price of a decent dinner with drinks with my wife on a game that’s buggy as hell. Like seriously there were bugs in Skyrim 3 releases in.

      • @mightyfoolish
        18 months ago

        There it is. Why even buy AAA games at $70+ when Steam has so many games on sale and Indie game quality has gotten so much better lately?

        • @Zahille7
          18 months ago

          The last brand new game I bought was Bomb Rush Cyberfunk for a grand total of $40 USD on release. It’s a fantastic game, extremely fun, completely polished and 100% on release.

          • @mightyfoolish
            28 months ago

            Looks like a fantastic game. This game flew under my radar, so thank you.

            • @Zahille7
              28 months ago

              Absolutely. If you played and enjoyed Jet Set Radio or Jet Set Radio Future, this is both of those games mixed into one. An awesome, colorfully vibrant world and characters, an interesting story, and fun gameplay; I couldn’t ask for more, personally.