do you find it difficult to get into games? I’ve got Epic Games and Steam Games libraries chock-full of classic top-tier games along with many other newer games like Stray or 2077, and a bunch of indie titles. I just can’t be bothered to download and install them, much less try to get into the characters and storylines. Used to be I couldn’t wait to see what happened in the story, what new items you could collect, what new worlds the developers had created. Not anymore. I return to playing the same franchise for a quick FPS match or three and then I’m done.

  • @Bytemeister
    911 months ago

    I feel like new AAA title games are all about being “more” than the last game, instead of being fun. Everything is having a Call of Duty/Avengers syndrome, the bad guys have to be bigger, the music louder, the textures larger. Even games that don’t succumb to the annual release cycle still have to compete with the hype those games create. In the end, you end up with games like Fallout 4, instead of New Vegas.