Threads also appears to be a dud.

  • @dustyData
    3111 months ago

    The only valuable thing about Twitter was the brand. If Twitter isn’t named Twitter anymore it might as well be a turd on the sidewalk.

    • @ttmrichter
      911 months ago

      Ironically that’s what Twitter has always been: a turd on the sidewalk.

      • squiblet
        611 months ago

        Twitt has always sucked but now it’s a flaming one made out of phosphorus.

        • @glimse
          211 months ago

          I’ll just never understand this opinion. Did you actually use it or is your opinion based solely off screenshots people posted on reddit? You didn’t have to see all the shit that people say made Twitter bad…My feed never had politics and the only celebrities I saw were comedians or people subtweeting to make fun of them.

          Twitter didn’t suck. It was a great platform for comedy…basically text Vine. In my opinion, Twitter’s downward slide started the day they rolled out 280 characters…but even then it stayed great until people (and bots) started joining to follow Trump…and even THEN it stayed good until Musk bought it.

          • squiblet
            11 months ago

            It’s like hating on reddit. The culture is/was awful in many ways, but it had enough redeeming qualities to be entertaining and keep us there. I did have a Twitter account, yes… I never got much engagement or useful interactions until 2-3 years ago, and I did enjoy it for a while. It is interesting how it was semi-anonymous but gave people the opportunity to express their personalities. Some of my favorite accounts were the humorists, like NYT Pitchbot or offline famous authors who I loved hearing from like Sandra Boynton. I also liked that many people I knew in person were on there and I could contact them there vs. IG or FB or whatever.

            Still, the various cliches of the platform were even worse than the cliches of reddit. And yeah, after Musk bought it and it was apparent what a shitshow that would be, I deleted my 2009-era account. (they bought vine and killed it, also)

            • @glimse
              111 months ago

              I think it’s more like Tumblr. It gets (got, really. The hate train is basically over) a ton of hate because of a couple of bad communities yet every other platform loves the funny screenshots

          • @ttmrichter
            211 months ago

            I did use it, yes. And I hated it. There was absolutely nothing I got from Twitter that I didn’t get with far superior quality elsewhere. Even FACEBOOK was better (and I ditched that the same day I ditched Twitter).

            The major issue that Twitter had was that it eliminated any hint of subtlety or nuance from communication. Nuance in particular died at the altar of that fucking 140 (later 280) character restriction. It was basically only an echo chamber amplifier and nothing else. So, you know, absolutely everything I hate in “modern” communication.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Rotten apple spoils the bunch and all that. The platform was good for doing comedy, but it is also good for spreading misinformation and nazi propaganda, and that makes the whole thing bad, no matter how good the good parts are