My current campaign is set on the planet of Caradu. A formerly metropolitan world devastated by the Clone Wars. We’re playing in the direct aftermath of the war’s end.

I can always use more interesting NPCs, give me a name, look, or even a short description of their motivation and I will put them in the game! (Assuming they’re not a dumb joke🤣)

Example NPC: Gardner Prospas - An older human man, with graying auburn hair, a thick close-trimmed beard, and an easy smile. He is compassionate, and jovial. Prospas travels Caradu by wagon sharing his rare herbs and saplings.

  • @ErrorCodeM
    11 year ago

    I created cousins to draw the PCs into a series of shenanigans. We had an expect ship mechanic who is quite attractive and her cousin, a bumbling shipjacker, which also led them to a CEC exec. Early in their careers when they needed help fixing their ship, they met Free Style a great mechanic working for CEC, in the ship docking division. While fixing the ship, she asked the crew to go help her cousin, Haley. Haley had jacked a prototype mining ship from the mining guild and was testing it out in a nearby belt, but the ship, being a prototype, was having engineering issues. Of course, Free Style may have failed to mention that it was a stolen ship, just mentioning that they needed to rescue Haley for he ran out of oxygen.

    From there, we got into trouble with the Mining Guild, Free Style went missing, which brought in the CEC exec, and they dropped Haley off on Cloud City to keep him out of the Mining Guilds cross hairs. Those episodes led to later episodes with CEC / Corellia, more issues with the Mining Guild, and a call back the next time they were at Cloud City.