Hello! I would like to share the route I made for myself and my story how I finished it recently. The route I will describe starts in Belgrade, goes along the Danube River, through Djerdap National Park to the border with Serbia, and returns to Belgrade through Kucaj-Beljanica National Park. The route is compilation from parts of different EuroVel routes.

Route Summary:

  • Total length: about 700 km;
  • Total elevation: about 5000 m;
  • Highest climbing category: 2;
  • Highest point: 960 m above the sea;
  • Estimated days required: 6-7;
  • Overall level: medium;
  • Recommended lowest gear: 1:1
  • Recommended tires: 35+ mm or MTB;
  • Link to the routeplanner;
  • Link to Kamoot;
  • Total price, including hotels and food in restaurants: 385 Eur (Fall 2023);

I made a blog post with detailed information about every part and also additional photos inside.

  • misery mansion
    311 months ago

    Amazing, it sounds like it was sufficient to get you up those climbs. From the way you write it sounds like the descents were more difficult

    • SemOP
      111 months ago

      True, 1:1 (sora has 34:34) lowest gear is absolutely enough for all the climbings on this route. I guess even 34:32 may be enough, depends of physical condition of rider.