• diprount_tomato
    -911 months ago

    Are you stupid? The average mexican isn’t Mayan, they have native ancestry but are of Hispanic culture

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Yes, diluting their race to extinction. This is not a “genocide” per se (though the slaughters were), and is to be expected from immigration - but it has led to Mayans’ distinctiveness disappearing.

          • diprount_tomato
            -511 months ago

            So you’re against racemixing? You literally just called it genocide, which is what a lot of great replacement white supremacists believe

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              I literally said it’s not, and that it’s normal, precisely because I’m aware of that very fact. Please read carefully next time.

              • diprount_tomato
                -411 months ago

                “Deluting race into extinction” sounds like white supremacist rhetoric to me tbh. Just admit your takes about racial purity and “soft genocide” are shit

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  Okay, you simply aren’t listening.

                  Never once did I say that it’s a bad thing for a race to be diluted out. It’s the inevitable endpoint of humanity.

                  The only part that makes it bad is the colonialism and actual murder and genocide that took place at the same time, accelerating its process.

                  This is the imagery white supremacists conjure when they whinge about alleged “white genocide”, but their claims are bullshit because there is no one killing white people en masse and stealing their land.

                  Race mixing and “dilution” is inevitable when cultures meet and share amongst each other. This is natural and fine. What is not fine is murdering people, stealing their land, and raping their women to produce bastard offspring and create an underclass of mixed people to be brutalised as badly as their native parents, ending with fully native people being replaced by mixes of their rapists.

                  There is a huge fucking difference here, and by ignoring that you are the one furthering colonial narratives.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      The average mexican

      The average American is white and fat and 39 years old.

      Does that mean all Amercans are white, fat, and 39 years old?

      • There are an estimated 9 million Mayan people
      • An estimated 8 million live in Guatemala.
      • they speak these languages
      • Through the self-rule of states in Mexico and Guatamala and the legal framework known as Indigenismo maya people have a surprising amount of autonomy and self-rule.
      • diprount_tomato
        11 months ago

        I know, it’s just improbable that they’d be on a place full of Americans, since they aren’t even common on Spanish language forums

        An American “Latinx” LARPing as a Mayan is a more likely option