• TinyPizza
    611 months ago

    He actually straight up calls it a cleansing in a comment from one day ago:

    Hamas and Hezbollah financier, Iran, who calls America the Great Satan, and Israel the Zionist Entity which it will wipe form the history books, two weeks after “Palestinian” Islamofacist Terrorists stormed into Israel and slaughtered, raped, and burnt close to 2 thousand Israelis, concerns are noted.
    The war will end, once Hamas and PIJ are cleansed from Gaza, and then Gaza will look far different than it does today, with far greater buffers between where the Arabs will live and the Israeli border. It’s not going to end a millisecond before that is achieved, come what may.
    We’ve got the US battle group in the Eastern Med, and we’re ready to take on all fucking comers.

    So yeah, do your part and report this guy. I have multiple times and nothing has been done.

    • @SCB
      211 months ago

      There’s nothing to report in there. That comment is not against any rules.

      • TinyPizza
        111 months ago

        who said I reported that? I just said he’s called for cleansing and to report him. To be clear though, I do believe his words are in the wheelhouse of hate speech. It’s a broad term though and open to interpretation.

        Do you have no issue with the language that guy is using?

        • @SCB
          211 months ago

          No, I think he’s just accurately describing the situation. Hamas is a political entity, not a people

          • TinyPizza
            111 months ago

            To each their own. To him Palestine is not a people, to you hamas is not a people, but it will definitely be people that are killed in the service of that view. You can try to sit on technicality but read some of the endless posts this dude writes and he sees no separation. Words carry weight and used in the context that it was I find it extremely hard to think a rational person would phrase things that way without the intended connotation.

            • @SCB
              211 months ago

              It’s not a matter of opinion that Hamas is not a people. They are a political organization.

              Your interpretation is not rational so your expectations of a rational person are meaningless.

              • TinyPizza
                011 months ago

                It’s literally an organization made up of people and that’s the extent of what I’m pointing out rhetorically. I give no shits about what you are other apologists consider “rational” as you engage in a bad faith argument from the jump. Go pull your debate club shtick on someone else.

                • @SCB
                  11 months ago

                  This isn’t bad faith, but rather how words work.

                  You are actually engaging in bad faith when you try to get someone’s comment removed for speaking in a way that is consistent with international diplomacy.

                  Trying to ban a person because you disagree with them is childish and stupid.